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Welcome to the Saving With Silverman Podcast! Here, you'll gain investing and financial planning guidance with Certified Financial Planner Professional Mark Silverman in Tucson, AZ.

New episodes every other week to help you make smarter decisions with your money.

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Reading Your Financial Statements

Have you ever glanced at your financial statements and felt overwhelmed by the numbers and jargon? You're not alone. Many people receive statements from their investment accounts every month or quarter but don't fully understand what they're looking at.

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Reading the Fine Print

It’s been said that “the sales brochure giveth and the fine print taketh away.” In the financial world, glossy brochures and enticing sales pitches often conceal ugly hidden truths. Join us in today’s episode as we highlight why it’s so important to understand the fine print before making any investment decisions.

Retirement Investing
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