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Welcome to the Saving With Silverman Podcast! Here, you'll gain investing and financial planning guidance with Certified Financial Planner Professional Mark Silverman in Tucson, AZ.

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It’s Not Your Parents Retirement: Retirement Planning Today

With pensions being a thing of the past, and Social Security looking like it might have some changes coming, retirement planning today is nothing like it was for your parents or grandparents. In the past, people often retired and only lived a few years beyond that, but today’s retirees could spend 20, 30, or even 40 years in retirement. And, unless you’re in one of the few jobs that still offer pensions, it’s largely up to you to create and secure your own retirement.

Retirement Planning
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Mark’s Unpopular Opinions

Being a good advisor isn’t about winning a popularity contest or just saying the same things that everyone else in the industry says. It’s about giving the best advice that you can for each individual situation. Let’s discuss some areas where Mark’s opinions might not be popular with other people in the financial industry.

Retirement Investing Planning
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