Answering the 401k Frequently Asked Questions
On This Episode
For many Americans, the 401k will be their biggest asset in retirement and will be a critical piece of the income they need to create. It’s no surprise that we get a lot of questions about the 401k and today we’re going to address some of the one that we get asked the most.
We’ll talk about the importance of maximizing your 401k contributions and discuss things like the use of target date funds, the implications of taking loans from your 401k, and the benefits of rolling over to an IRA. Join us for practical advice that can help you secure your financial future.
Here’s what we discuss in today’s show:
- Is it a good idea to take advantage of a program your company offers to advise you on your 401k?
- Should you contribute as much as you can or just enough to get a company match?
- Should you use target date funds?
- Is it okay to take out a 401k loan to pay for major expenses?
- When is it a good time to rollover a 401k into an IRA?
Thanks for joining us! We’ll be back for another show every other Thursday.
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