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Financial Guidance Through the Lens of Calvin and Hobbes Thumbnail

Financial Guidance Through the Lens of Calvin and Hobbes

Retirement Investing Planning


On This Episode

Calvin and Hobbes is one of the most timeless comic strips in American history, but is there anything we can learn from Bill Watterson’s masterpiece in the financial realm? Turns out there is, and Mark will draw on wisdom from the comic to highlight several quotes that offer valuable lessons for financial planning. 

Join us as we dive into the importance of making smart financial decisions and avoiding the pitfalls of procrastination. We’ll share insights on handling unexpected surprises, both good and bad, and emphasizes the significance of planning for the future. We also explore some fun facts about animal perception while tying everything back into Calvin and Hobbes.

Here’s what we discuss in today’s show:

  • Preparing in advance for some of those financial surprises.
  • Having a sound investing strategy.
  • Making sure your retirement income keeps pace with inflation.
  • Getting ahead on your retirement plan.

Thanks for joining us! We’ll be back for another show every other Thursday.

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