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The Detriments of Moving the Goalposts and the Importance of Planning Thumbnail

The Detriments of Moving the Goalposts and the Importance of Planning

Retirement Planning


On This Episode

Can you imagine how difficult it would be for a placekicker if the goalposts suddenly shifted just as they were about to kick? In the same sense, how can we expect to achieve our financial goals if we're constantly shifting the targets? Retirement goals can obviously change with the passage of time, but there can be some serious risk when it comes to your retirement if you shift the goalposts a little bit too carelessly.

Join Mark as he discusses some strategies to avoid these pitfalls in your retirement planning. From procrastinating getting serious about your savings to pushing back your retirement date, there’s a little something for folks in all different stages of life in today’s episode. Stay tuned as we talk about some common areas in financial planning where people are likely to change their goals and deadlines…

Here’s what we discuss in today’s show: 

  • Setting and sticking to goals.
  • Not keeping more cash for your retirement than you need.
  • Determining how much risk you should be taking.

Thanks for joining us! We’ll be back for another show every other Thursday.

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