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The Snowbird Retirement: Is a Seasonal Move Right for You? Thumbnail

The Snowbird Retirement: Is a Seasonal Move Right for You?



On This Episode

Arizona is a unique state in that parts of the state have harsh winters while other areas deal with extreme heat in the summers. Either way, it definitely drives retirees to consider taking up residence somewhere else in those months when the weather isn’t enjoyable. Is ‘snowbird’ life for you? Let’s talk about what motivates people to take up temporary residence elsewhere, where they go, and if it’s worthwhile.

We’re going to provide practical advice for those contemplating becoming snowbirds and help you understand the logistics of maintaining two residences, the financial implications, and the potential for renting out one of the properties. Whether you’re a retiree or a remote worker, the insights shared in this episode are invaluable for making informed decisions about your lifestyle and finances.

Here’s what we discuss in today’s show:

  • What our clients usually do when they choose to become ‘snowbirds.’
  • Where do people usually go to live when they leave?
  • What do you need to consider before deciding to take up two residences?
  • The ways that technology has given more flexibility with work and travel.

Thanks for joining us! We’ll be back for another show every other Thursday.

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