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Putting Together a Retirement Checklist Thumbnail

Putting Together a Retirement Checklist



On This Episode

Every individual will have a unique plan for retirement, but there are questions that every person should be able to answer before they make the transition. Am I prepared for increased tax rates in the future? What about if I live longer than I plan and I outlive my money? What do I want to happen with my money after I die? Today we’ll provide a comprehensive checklist that will help prepare you for retirement.  

From understanding monthly income needs to handling market volatility, Mark provides a comprehensive retirement checklist to ensure you're financially prepared for the future. Join us as we explore strategies for maximizing Social Security benefits, addressing longevity risks, and planning for healthcare costs.

Here’s what we discuss in today’s show:

  • Saving for the future while enjoying life in the present.
  • Being prepared for retirement risks.
  • Minimizing future tax liability.
  • Incorporating legacy planning into your overall plan.

Thanks for joining us! We’ll be back for another show every other Thursday.

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