Financial Lessons From Ernest Hemingway
On This Episode
In this episode, we look at finance through a bit of an unconventional, yet enlightening lens. Mark takes the timeless wisdom of Ernest Hemingway to draw parallels and impart valuable lessons for making smarter financial decisions.
The great American novelist and journalist captured the hearts and minds with his adventurous lifestyle. During his 51 years on Earth, Hemingway left a lasting legacy and it isn’t always explored from a financial viewpoint. That’s what we'll do today with some of these great quotes and hopefully provide you with a little real-world guidance you can apply to your own life today.
Here’s what we discuss in today’s show:
- How financial planning doesn’t always go just like the books tell you it will.
- There is always something new to learn and something to improve on.
- How to adapt to the current realities of the market (at any point in time).
Thanks for joining us! We’ll be back for another show every other Thursday.
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